Month: April 2024

biohacking in beauty industry

Biohacking- The Secret to Flawless Beauty

Are you tired of following the same skin-care regime and are not quite satisfied with the results? Have you tried biohacking in beauty industry? If not, well you can give…

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digital dentistry

Digital Dentistry- How Has It Revolutionized Oral Healthcare in 2024?

Before going any further with the topic, let’s first understand the concept of digital dentistry. Digital dentistry happens to be a pioneer in the world of oral health technology, revolutionizing…

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pelvic floor physiotherapy kelowna

Weak Pelvic Floor? Don’t Ignore These 5 Warning Signs Physiotherapy Can Help!

The pelvic floor muscles have vital roles to play in the human body. From aiding in sexual function to supporting your pelvic organs, they are responsible for several vital functions….

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Align Career Path with Financial Goals

Top Strategies to Align Career Path with Financial Goals

As students, we all face a point in our lives where we have to choose between two specific things- a dream career or financial independence. And the best part here…

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healthy eating for busy families

Healthy Eating Hacks For A Busy Lifestyle

We all have become used to busy lifestyle choices nowadays. And amongst the deadlines and last-minute meetings, what we all forget to give ourselves is a healthy food habit! Believe…

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virtual reality therapy

VRT- A Revolution in the World of Mental Health and Therapy

When we think about Virtual Reality (VR), our mind immediately transports to immersive gaming experiences! Because what else can give you such an immersive and real-world experience other than gaming?…

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