Has your dentist informed you about wisdom tooth removal? While this procedure sounds extremely normal, you may have a lot of questions and concerns. One of the most common worries is about the complications involved in this procedure and the intensity of pain. But the truth is that you need not panic about the procedure even though it qualifies as a minor surgery. It is one of the safest dental procedures with minimal risks involved.
Here is what you need to know about wisdom tooth removal:
A majority of patients experience pain and swelling after the removal of wisdom teeth for about two to three days in a row. However, dentists usually prescribe pain-relieving medicines to keep it at a minimum. Apart from this, they advise keeping the head elevated and asking the patients to rest for a few days. The body has its way of naturally healing the painful condition but you need to keep all your activities restricted for a few days after the oral surgery.
You might be a very practical person with no fears about the complications involved in wisdom tooth removal. However the dentist will advise against driving home alone after the surgery, so you must always have someone accompanying you during and post-surgical periods. Having someone to drive you back home makes you feel more confident during and after the surgery.
Most patients about to go for wisdom tooth removal think that they can follow a normal diet like other days. Remember that the dentist will prescribe sedatives and various other medications to prevent the onset of any infection during the recovery period. Therefore, you need to thrive on liquid or semi-liquid food like smoothies, lentil soups, purees, puddings, or any liquid food that doesn’t require chewing. So, don’t forget to keep a stock of soft food ready at home a day before you go for the surgery. Chances are that your mouth and the gums are likely to be swollen for a few days, so, avoid making your teeth force to chew or masticate food as it may increase the complications.
One of the prominent complications of wisdom tooth removal is dry sockets. Although it is not a very common occurrence, there is no need to feel scared about the condition. The socket where the wisdom tooth was can take a few months to heal. To prevent this condition, you must avoid smoking, spitting, or engaging in strenuous exercises. You must not drink using a straw.
Don’t think you can brush your teeth or rinse your mouth like other days. During the first 24 hours after the surgery, you will have a lot of pain at the surgical site, so brushing is out of the question. Moreover, you must not spit or swish your mouth as it may disturb the site of the surgery. However, you must brush or floss your teeth before the surgery and let the doctor perform the procedure when your mouth is clean.
No matter what the reason is for the removal of a wisdom tooth, you must follow the dentist’s advice during and after the surgery to make sure that there is minimum risk. Moreover, you should not rush to recovery and make sure you are conscious about what you eat during the first few days of the surgery.
So, the next time your dentists talk about wisdom tooth removal, don’t feel scared. It may only take a few days for the surgery site to heal. Talk to the dentist about the procedure and make sure you take time off for the surgical procedure and take time off from work to let your oral health improve.
Theresa Perez is a seasoned writer for the health industry dedicated to providing fact-based health information. She sources concise facts from authoritative sources to ensure maximum credibility and shares guidelines to lead a healthy lifestyle.
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