
3 Steps of Getting Back To Your Regular Workout after a Break

You may be a very efficient trainee and might be working out every day but for some reason, if you have taken a break from exercising, it becomes really tough to get back to it, right? It becomes quite difficult to get back into the hang of things. More so, as the body has got habituated to the few days off-workout, the muscles have slowed down their earlier rapid functioning and have relaxed a bit. This makes the body lethargic and it might pain while returning to work out as the muscles take time to stretch. And boy, does it pain.

Professionally speaking, your level of progression is fundamentally based on the total time you have taken off, the reason for the break (work, children or surgery) and the level of your fitness prior to the break. Whichever it is, it is suggested to return to your workout slowly and steadily. Pickup up speed will only cause stress to the muscles and might run the risk of an injury.

Here are 3 ways how you can go about while resuming your regular workout:

  1. Begin with flexibility workouts: To begin with, it is essential to add a few days of flexibility workouts. This will increase the rate of blood flow and circulation which will result in assistance in motion and mobility of the joints. Flexibility is one of the most underrated protocols in fitness and it is very important to begin these early on which will allow the body to readjust itself to the new physical demands being placed on it. You can begin yoga and choose 10 to 15 stretches and do each for up to a minute.
  2. Go for simple cardio: Next comes the heart. Naturally, the heart is also a muscle that requires regular blood flow and proper working in order to perform its functions the way it should. For this, you should try incorporating simple cardio-respiratory workouts after the yoga session or a couple of stretches. If the weather is clear, have a 15-20 minutes outdoor walk. This will also help refresh your mind and help get your body moving again.
  3. Start Strength Training: Strength training incorporates building bone density and skeletal muscles. So, after a week of flexibility and simple cardio exercises, you shall begin with this. While you were away from your workout, your time might have had a lot of sitting, resting and relieving. This causes your posterior chain, gluteus and hamstring regions to weaken. These muscles and bones are very much important for everyday movement. The posterior chain also contributes towards keeping your spine erect when you are sitting at your desk or even standing. Drooping is one of the most underrated signs of a weakened spine and can cause a lot of trouble as a person ages. Thus, it is very important to have your spine and other bone structures fully functional and strong.

There are many exercises like lunges, squats, bridges, TRX hamstring curls, stability, ball mobility, and core work, which help a lot in activating all these areas. Stressing on bodyweight workouts and TRX workouts work a great deal for these muscles to help

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